Service Fee Explanation

  • NYSED requested a statewide review of ALL Arts in Education programs in New York State to determine program alignment to the New York State Arts Standards to allow for state aid reimbursement to districts due to being a cost effective model as a shared service through BOCES.

    During that review, it was noted by NYSED that ALL Arts in Education programs need to be coordinated by a certified administrator to allow districts to continue to receive aid.  In addition, per CoSer regulations established by NYSED, it is mandatory for a percentage of the certified administrator overseeing the program for district compliance to be in the annual AIE budget.  The required 15% administrative fee allows BOCES to meet this NYSED requirement.

    Please note, districts are reimbursed by the state the coming year for using a shared service through BOCES due to overall cost saving -- shared services.   In addition, a study was done statewide to determine AIE program costs and the 15% administrative service charge is the average (some are up to 27%, but have a different base fee). 

    Program fees for AIE were shared in advance with ALL participating district Assistant Superintendents for Business and were approved to be in compliance with CoSer regulations and state aid reimbursement the coming year.

    Please feel free to contact Katie Bertrand at if you have any questions, or would like further detail.  If you prefer not to use the service, please contact Katie.  However, do realize any funds you spend this year that do not go through a BOCES shared service (including the $225 administrative fee) will be permanently gone - there would be no state aid reimbursement  and these funds will not be available next year.

    Shared services save districts money by allowing a percentage of the funds that are spent to be reimbursed by the state (the average is 70% reimbursement).  That means if a PTSA or a district spends a dollar ($1.00) on an Art event this year, by working through BOCES, the district will receive approximately .70 cents back the following year due to using a shared service.