605.580 Cloud Domain Management

  • Service Code: 605.580
    Contact(s): Dan Fullerton (585-383-2281)
    Charges: See rate sheet


      • This service supports systems and services within your cloud domain productivity suite (Microsoft or Google).

        More specifically, Cloud Domain Management provides remote management of your Monroe RIC provisioned Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace cloud domain with guidance from a district designated staff member. The service encompasses management components needed to facilitate secure operation of cloud domain solutions, licensing, and specified subscriptions.

        There is a potential for interdependencies between Cloud Domain Management and other services. As a result, there may be projects identified requiring additional planning, implementation and support. Some examples of this are Gmail, Exchange Online, SharePoint, Teams for Education, and Adobe tools. As these interdependent projects are requested, a planning meeting will be held and all costs associated will be outlined in a scoping proposal for district approval.


        • Core Participation
        • District LAN, Monroe RIC connectivity
        • Subscription to Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES) or Google Workspace for Education

      District Responsibilities

        • Provide global/super administration access to Microsoft Online Services or Google Workspace for Education to RIC staff
        • Provide remote access to the district's cloud domain to RIC staff
        • Provide remote access to district Active Directory and any cloud domain related member servers to RIC staff
        • Limit administrative access to district's cloud domain to specific technical support staff and specific limited functions
        • Notify RIC Help Desk of any inaccessibility to related district and cloud resources
        • Designate a primary and secondary contact to work with RIC staff
        • Adhere to RIC-scheduled downtime required to facilitate changes per Change Control Management processes
        • Coordinate with the RIC for any unscheduled downtime required to resolve cloud domain issues
        • Comply with all pertinent regulations related to data security, privacy, licensing, etc.
        • Maintain operating systems required for cloud domain implementation, including devices, servers, and Active Directory forest or domain level operations
        • Perform on-premise Active Directory changes as needed

      RIC Responsibilities

        • Serve as primary administrators for district's cloud domain
        • Limit cloud domain administrative access to authorized personnel
        • Support cloud core suite vendor-provided services
        • Remote troubleshooting and resolution of cloud domain issues
        • Escalate cloud domain issues to vendor support teams