Monroe Regional Information Center

and Technology Services

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What is the RIC?

  • The Monroe Regional Information Center (RIC) provides services to its 19 component school districts and two BOCES. These services support the administrative and technical functions of each participating organization.

About Technology Services

  • Monroe One Technology Services provides support to our Monroe One BOCES component school districts that are running on server-based, stand-alone distributed microcomputer systems. For a detailed list of the support we offer and our services, please refer to our 2025-2026 Service Guide.

Instructional Technology

  • The goal of instructional technology is to enhance, support and transform instruction through the use of technology, both current and emerging. Neither technology nor instruction are successful in isolation. A suite of services have been developed to partner with member districts as they deliver quality education to their students. For details, please view the 2025-2026 Service Guide or click on the following website links.