Service Codes: 605.121 Contact(s): Dan Fullerton (585-383-2281) Charges: See rate sheet
Chargeback Codes:
605.920 Equipment
605.930 Supplies
605.940 Contractual
This service encompasses the RIC Technology Infrastructure, Data Centers, and Network Operations Centers which serve as the foundation for RIC Administrative Technology services.
This is a mandatory service for component districts.
District Responsibilities
Attend and participate in quarterly tech director meetings.
Collaborate with RIC infrastructure staff to ensure a secure and efficient network environment.
RIC Responsibilities
Participate in quarterly tech director meetings.
Maintain network operations centers, data centers, and supporting controls such as HVAC, backup generators, electronic-friendly fire suppression, surge suppression, and physical security.
Train RIC staff on best practices and current security protocols.
Collaborate with district technology staff to ensure secure and efficient network environments.
Triage and provide high-level support for district technology needs.