605.121 RIC Infrastructure

  • Service Codes: 605.121
    Contact(s): Dan Fullerton (585-383-2281)
    Charges: See rate sheet

    • Chargeback Codes:
      • 605.920 Equipment
      • 605.930 Supplies
      • 605.940 Contractual


      • This service encompasses the RIC Technology Infrastructure, Data Centers, and Network Operations Centers which serve as the foundation for RIC Administrative Technology services.


      • This is a mandatory service for component districts.

      District Responsibilities

        • Attend and participate in quarterly tech director meetings.
        • Collaborate with RIC infrastructure staff to ensure a secure and efficient network environment.

      RIC Responsibilities

        • Participate in quarterly tech director meetings.
        • Maintain network operations centers, data centers, and supporting controls such as HVAC, backup generators, electronic-friendly fire suppression, surge suppression, and physical security.
        • Train RIC staff on best practices and current security protocols.
        • Collaborate with district technology staff to ensure secure and efficient network environments.
        • Triage and provide high-level support for district technology needs.