MCSBA President

Role and Duties of MCSBA President


  • Appoint the chairs for the Standing Committees and at least four At-Large members to the Steering Committee, two of whom must be superintendents.
    • Look for geographic and gender balance.
    • Committee Chairs should have history of active participation in each committee.
    • Look to nurture future leadership.
    • At-Large members enable the president to include members whose counsel you value but who are not serving in any other formal leadership position.
    • Outreach for committee chairs should begin right after the Annual Meeting.

  • Appoint members of the annual Budget (chaired by Vice President) and Nominating (chaired by Immediate Past President) Committees, and the Council of Governments (COG). The specific membership requirements for these committees are described in the MCSBA Constitution and By-Laws.

  • Appoint the members to any ad hoc committee created by the Steering Committee, such as the Communications Outreach Advisory Committee.

  • Appoint representatives to the Commissioner’s and Chancellor’s Advisory Councils, if they get reestablished.

Other duties

  • Help to develop the Association’s Goals for the year.

  • Preside over Steering Committee, Executive Committee, and Board Presidents meetings.

  • Whenever possible, welcome the participants at MCBSA events such as the governance and fiscal training programs, law conferences, prospective board member seminar, etc.

  • If you choose to, write a column of approximately 300-350 words for each newsletter.

  • With the other officers, evaluate the Executive Director in accordance with her contract. This procedure is described in the MCSBA Practices & Procedures brochure.

  • Along with the Immediate Past President, attend MCEC meetings.

  • Let the Executive Director know if you are comfortable responding to media questions and, if so, how available you will be on short notice.

  • Early in the year, work with the MCSBA office to identify a location and speaker for the Annual Meeting. Working with your superintendent, arrange for a student performance group for this event.