Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

  • New York’s Dignity for All Students Act (also referred to as the Dignity Act) seeks to provide the students of the state with a safe and supportive learning environment. Monroe One BOCES strives to create a school environment that is free from harassment, bullying and discrimination. The BOCES condemns and strictly prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment, and bullying (including cyberbullying) on school grounds, school buses and at all school-sponsored activities, functions, programs and events. Such conduct that takes place at locations off of school grounds (such as cyberbullying) that creates or would foreseeably create a risk of substantial disruption within the school environment is also strictly prohibited and may subject an individual to disciplinary or remedial consequences.


    At Monroe One BOCES we are strongly committed to establishing a positive school culture built on promoting the principles of: 

    • Safety
    • Respect
    • Responsibility


    Our Goal

    With a focus on Prevention, Reporting and Response, our schools have a goal to end all forms of harassment, discrimination, and bullying. 

    Incident Reporting

    Although it can be difficult to step forward, BOCES cannot effectively address bullying if incidents are not reported. Students who believe they have been bullied, parents who believe their children have been bullied and others who observe or otherwise become aware of potential bullying behavior toward a student must make a verbal and/or written complaint to any school personnel in accordance with policy and legal requirements.

    If you believe you, or someone else, has been the victim of harassment or discrimination in the BOCES school environment, please report the allegations. You can complete this digital form and it will be automatically directed to the Dignity Act Coordinator (DAC) for a prompt and thorough investigation.

    Harassment is defined as the creation of a hostile environment by conduct or by verbal threats, intimidation or abuse that has or would have the effect of unreasonable and substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or mental, emotional, or physical well-being. Harassment or discrimination may be based on a students’ actual or perceived characteristics and/or class. 

    All complaints will be treated in a confidential manner to the extent possible. Anonymous reports may limit the BOCES’ ability to response to a complaint but will also be reviewed in the same manner.

    Please note that false reporting of incidents may result in disciplinary consequences and may be reported to an appropriate law enforcement agency.
