605.630 Comm-Reg Network

  • Service Code: 605.630

    • Chargeback codes in 605.63X

    Contact(s): Dan Fullerton (585-383-2281)
    Charges: See rate sheet


      • The Regional Network Connection connects the local area networks (LANs) of participating districts to a regional wide area network (WAN) that is managed from Monroe #1 BOCES RIC. Connection to the WAN utilizes backbone fiber networks that span across the region. As part of this service, the Monroe Regional Network is connected to statewide and other extended networks for access to additional services.

      District Responsibilities

        • Provide RIC with required network and resource access for support
        • Identify staff member to collaborate on support, configuration, installation and troubleshooting
        • Maintain physical security of sensitive hardware and networking resources

      RIC Responsibilities

        • Assist districts with troubleshooting of network equipment
        • Monitor network connections between districts and RIC
        • Provide notification of known outages and potential issues and needs