Collective Bargaining Units

  • What is a Bargaining Unit?

    By definition, a Bargaining Unit is a group of employees organized for the purpose of collective negotiations, and Monroe One has five (5) bargaining units. The five bargaining units are BASA, BPA, BUP, BUSS and PSP. Each unit has their own Collective Bargaining Agreement, also known as a contract. 

    Which Bargaining Unit am I in?

    The position you are hired for will determine your bargaining unit/union membership. To find what bargaining unit you are in:

    • You may use the search field below. Next to "Position Title" please select either "Starts With" or "Contains" from the drop-down menu. To the right of that, type part of your position title. Then click Submit.
    • As an alternative, you may review this file: How do I know what union I am in? 
    • Or, if your position is not listed, call Human Resources at 383-2251.
  • Starts With
  • Contains