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Bird/Morgan School
The Bird/Morgan School, located in East Rochester, NY, serves students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Our curriculum is designed to support the diverse academic, social, and behavioral needs of each student while fostering student growth and development.Promoting Student Success
Small class size and a high staff-to-student ratio promote the success of our students.
Related Services including, but not limited to, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Counseling, and Music Therapy are provided as indicated on students’ Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).
Classrooms are also supported by Crisis Intervention staff, trained Life Space Intervention (LSI) staff, and Behavior Specialists.
Instructional Specialists in each content area collaborate with classroom teachers to develop and implement instruction based on NYS Learning Standards.
- Students in grades K-5 utilize the SeeSaw Learning Management System on iPad devices.
- Students in grades 6-8 use Microsoft Teams on laptop devices.
Special Subjects and Activities
Students benefit from a range of special subjects classes including Art, Music, Physical Education, CTE, Spanish, and Library.
Students also have the opportunity to participate in school-wide events during a weekly activity period intended to strengthen and enhance the culture and climate of the school environment.
Students can earn "points" throughout the day for demonstrating our school rules of being mindful, respectful, and contributing.
The Student Admissions Office processes referrals from school districts for school-age children (5 to 22 years of age). For more information, please call the Student Admissions Office at (585) 383-2232.

Contact Us
Grades K-5
585-586-1850- Principal, Mrs. Teralyn Strauss
- Assistant Principal, Mrs. Hayley Brockler
Grades 6-8
585-586-1850- Principal, Mr. David McAlpin
- Assistant Principal, Mrs. Chelsea Kehoe
For referrals from districts:
Student Admissions Office