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Challenger Learning Center wins 13th Pinnacle Award

Challenger Learning Center of Greater Rochester has earned another astro-nomical accolade. Commanders Loni Butlin, Lauren Raines, and Andy Raab are the creative minds behind the high-quality virtual programs that have secured this 13th consecutive Pinnacle Award from the Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC). 

This stellar Center has earned a place in the CILC Hall of Fame for winning a Pinnacle Award at least 10 times. It continues to achieve this honor due to the high ratings and positive evaluations from educators who participate in its virtual programs. 

Content providers with program evaluations of 2.85 or higher on a 3-point scale receive the Pinnacle Award. According to CILC, award winners offer programs with "high educational value that actively involve learners at their level and are professionally delivered via videoconferencing technologies." 

You can learn more about the award by clicking this link and find more information on the virtual programs offered by Challenger Learning Center here.