- Monroe One
- Our Equity Journey
Mission and Vision
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Our Equity Journey
The work to create an inclusive school community is not new here at Monroe One.
For more than a decade, we have been actively engaging in work to create a community full of compassion, culturally responsive teaching, and trauma-responsive practices.
The NYS Board of Regents Framework on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion builds off the foundation we have already started.
By clicking on the roadmap on this page, you will see a snapshot of some of the work done during the past 10 years.
The commitment to eliminating inequities for our staff and students does not end. Rather, it continues to evolve and expand. The examples you see connected to each year on this website are not all-encompassing of the incredible work our teachers, staff, and students engage in every day to create a school community where everyone grows and thrives.
Staff Engagement
The Champions of Equity Team is the team who continues championing the work to reimagine Monroe One. It includes staff members from across all of our programs, positions, and bargaining units. They bring their own unique, lived experiences and perspectives to the conversation as they meet regularly to review policies and procedures. The Champions Team continues to be instrumental in shaping the Mission, Vision, and Pillars of Equity for Monroe One.
In addition to the Champions Team, all of our staff from across the organization are participating in professional learning which focuses on creating an inclusive school and work environment.
- Monroe One will continue to engage stakeholders through surveys to identify areas of growth and goal progress.
- The Champions of Equity will unpack NYSED guidelines on creating a safe, supportive, and affirming environment for all students.
- Program level teams will have ongoing family engagement initiatives, including partnering with SEPTA to provide informational nights.
- Programs will continue to use ParentSquare as a school-to-home communication tool, making information more accessible and equitable.
- Monroe One will continue to engage stakeholders through surveys to identify areas of growth and goal progress.
- Protocols are in place to disrupt harmful language, programs develop equity referral processes.
- Staff and students engage in learning about the style guide on inclusive communication.
- Students participate in ROC 2 Change.
- The Youth Activation Committee brings opportunities for our students to discuss the importance of inclusive school sports and physical education.
- Students become peer mentors through PiRI training.
- Monroe One continues to review and improve its curriculum so it better represents multiple perspectives and establishes real-life connections to learning.
- Staff will engage in professional learning to deepen their understanding of inclusive curriculum.
- Monroe One is implementing equitable assessment, grading, and reporting practices that align with New York State’s Next Generation Learning Standards.
- Protocols are in place to disrupt harmful language, programs develop equity referral processes.
- The Monroe One Code of Conduct is being reviewed, which will reflect the reimagined Mission, Vision, and Pillars.
- All instructional programs have committees focused on CRSE framework to provide program- and building-level support.
- The Monroe One Champions of Equity Team expands and will collaborate with program teams on equity efforts.
- Monroe One's commitment to family and community engagement continues. Surveys are sent out to bring in student, family, and staff voice and input.
- Identifying and reviewing assessment tools and practices is underway so we can measure our growth in all areas of creating an inclusive school community.
- Guidance for staff continues to be created, along with professional learning opportunities.
- Monroe One leadership will build off of action plans developed during professional learning.
- Training is developed on implicit bias for anyone participating on a hiring committee.
- Work continues in recruiting and retaining a workforce that better reflects the school community.
- Work is underway to review, identify, and update forms used across the organization to ensure they are accessible and inclusive.
- The Monroe One Code of Conduct is being reviewed, which will reflect the reimagined Mission, Vision, and Pillars.
- The Board of Education formally adopts the policy around inclusion and the reimagined Mission and Vision statements.
- Development continues of gender policy.
- Equity Action Plan is developed and implemented.
- Professional learning begins around CRSE framework.
- Superintendent's Conference Day explores importance of culture and understanding implicit bias.
- All staff engage in professional learning surrounding Monroe One's commitment to creating a culture of compassion.
- All staff engage in professional learning surrounding Monroe One's commitment to creating a culture of compassion.
- Champions Team builds off of Reimagined Mission and Vision, increasing team's depth of knowledge and sharing with individual programs and staff.
- Building-level teams are established to create structure for program-level support.
- The Board of Education formally adopts the policy around inclusion and the reimagined Mission and Vision statements.
- The Champions Team continues Vision Process, ensuring beliefs and practices align with tenants of equity.
- Draft Mission, Vision, and Equity Pillars are sent out to all staff, students, community partners, and stakeholders for review.
- Draft Mission, Vision, and Equity Pillars are sent out to all staff, students, community partners, and stakeholders for review.
- Leadership retreat centers around diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Superintendent's Conference Day builds off leadership retreat, engaging staff in reimagining Monroe One.
- All staff participate in workshops, assessing the strengths and areas of growth at the program and organizational level.
- Monroe One participates in Equity Challenge and informal listening campaigns.
- The Champions Team continues Vision Process, ensuring beliefs and practices align with tenants of equity.
- The Champions Team expands its number of members and mission; pairs Culturally Responsive Education and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work.
- Monroe One works to ensure equitable access to education through COVID planning.
- Gender-neutral bathrooms are added to buildings.
- Monroe One establishes Diversity & Equity Planning CoSER.
- Work begins to reimagine Mission and Vision. Development of Pillars of Equity begins.
- The Champions Team expands its number of members and mission; pairs Culturally Responsive Education and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work.
- Survey goes out to all families to examine digital equity.
- TIG leadership participates in tabletop training for critical incidents.
- All new staff continue to be trained in understanding of TIC principles and participate in trauma-sensitive learning communities.
- All new staff continue to be trained in understanding of TIC principles and participate in trauma-sensitive learning communities.
- SEL curriculum is finalized, mapped off of state standards.
- Champions Team actively works through each area.
- Survey goes out to all families to examine digital equity.
- Trauma 101 is offered to the entire organization. Students are surveyed from across all center-based programs.
- Leadership prioritizes school-wide trauma sensitivity to become fully integrated into Monroe One schools and programs.
- Leadership prioritizes school-wide trauma sensitivity to become fully integrated into Monroe One schools and programs.
- Code of Conduct reviewed to be reflective of restorative and trauma-informed practices.
- SCD focuses on wellness and mindfulness for staff.
- Champions Team is created.
- Team includes members from across the organization.
- Members begin reviewing culturally responsive practices.
- Trauma 101 is offered to the entire organization. Students are surveyed from across all center-based programs.
- Trauma 101 steering committee is created. That work resulted in a core group of trainers for organization.
- Organizational leadership is trained in understanding and adopting the core principles of trauma-informed care.
- Organizational leadership is trained in understanding and adopting the core principles of trauma-informed care.
- Monroe One launches a uniformed effort around PBIS, which has been a long-standing structure in our programs.
- Standard curriculum for SEL is in place.
- Trauma 101 steering committee is created. That work resulted in a core group of trainers for organization.
- Grant is written to bring Trauma 101 as a training to BOCES.
- Staff are trained in Trauma 101.
- Additional training is developed to roll out as new staff are hired.
- Staff are trained in Trauma 101.
- Monroe One collaborates with districts to survey staff and students through grant from the Wilson foundation.
- Grant is written to bring Trauma 101 as a training to BOCES.
- Staff begin to participate in book study on Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain.
- Training increases around Trauma Informed Care (TIC) and Trauma, Illness, and Grief (TIG).
- Monroe One marks a milestone of 10 years of being part of the Consortium on Trauma, Illness, and Grief.
- This work continues to shape practices seen around the organization today.
- Training increases around Trauma Informed Care (TIC) and Trauma, Illness, and Grief (TIG).
- Work continues around Trauma Informed Care (TIC).
- This ongoing work strengthens the organization's commitment to seeing and serving the student as an individual.
- Work continues around Trauma Informed Care (TIC).
- Monroe One continues to utilize established practices around Trauma, Illness, and Grief (TIG).
- Monroe One was accepted as a member of the Consortium on Trauma, Illness, and Grief in 2004.
- The organization continued to build on that learning, also expanding its Grief Crisis Intervention team.
- DASA Legislation is introduced, Monroe One creates required training for all staff.
- Monroe One continues to utilize established practices around Trauma, Illness, and Grief (TIG).