- Monroe One
- Video on Demand
- Safari Montage
- Safari FAQs
iMedia Portal
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Frequently Asked Questions
AccessHaving problems logging in?
- Each district in the Monroe One BOCES region will manage the teacher and/or students accounts
- You will need to contact your district Help Desk in order to reset or confirm you account
- Yes & Yes!! Please use the same login at home that is used in a school building.
- You will be required to download the Safari Montage Video Player in order to view content at home. The system will prompt you to download the player during the login process. Once the player is installed you will need to close your browser and re-open in order to finalize the player download.
- When viewing at home, the content is streamed and may buffer slightly.
- Click here for more home access information.
- When using Video on Demand on a wireless network,You may experience issues with the video quality. Depending on the wireless network or if numerous people are trying to access the a lot of videos at one time, the video may stutter or become digitized.
- You can go to http://wirelessmedia.monroe.edu to view the content as well. The video is delivered to you as streamed content and therefore should be more consistent.
Error MessagesI have tried playing videos and it says: media can't be played.
It sounds like you need to update your Quicktime Player and the Safari Montage video player.
- Go to the help tab once you are logged into Safari Montage
- Click on Browsers and Plug Ins (left hand menu)
- Located on this page you will find links for the latest Quicktime and Safari Montage video players
- If you do not have the authorization to download software to your computer, please contact your district help desk or technology department to help you download.
- You may need to update your Quicktime player or install the Quicktime plug in to your browser. You may see a yellow bar across the top of Internet Explorer instructing you to install the quicktime plugin. Please do so, if you cannot make this type of update to your computer, please contact your district help desk to have a tech look at your computer.
- Another reason for this message is that the content may not be age appropriate for the grade level in which you are aligned. If you need upper level grade access, please contact your district technology office to assign you to the correct groups. Many educators teach at several grade levels and need this type of access. In general, each educator should have access from Pre-K - 8 or grades 9-12.
Playlists & Permanent LinksHow do I name a playlist?
- Educators and students can create playlist and share them to building, district, or region.
- In order to make each playlist searchable by teachers and students, it is important to follow a consistent format.
- We suggest: District initials, School initials, subject, teacher name
- BOTS - Writing Guidelines - Pietrantoni
(BOCES Technology Services, Writing Guidelines, Teacher name)
- BOTS - Writing Guidelines - Pietrantoni
- You need to click on the playlist tab in the blue menu at the top of the interface and make sure you click on My Playlist folder or Search All Of My Playlist in the menu on the left hand side.
- If the content was a Creation Station video, it may have expired. Many Creation Station videos are videos that are recorded from cable or satellite television. This content has expiration dates determined by the producer of the program. If possible, we will renew this program if it re-airs, but this is not always possible.
- Copyright may have expired on Learn 360 or Safari Montage content.
- This error is caused because the playlist you are trying to view has not been shared to the school or the playlist was shared to a different school building than you are assigned to.
- Please make sure you are logged into the same building the playlist was created in and confirm with the playlist creator that the playlist has been shared to district. This will make the playlist searchable across all buildings in the region.
Closed CaptioningClosed Captioning doesn't appear!
- If you are using Windows Media Player, you need to make sure you change the settings to allow for closed captioning by doing the following:
- Open Windows Media Player
- Right click on the title bar and from the context menu select: Play -> Lyrics, Captions and Subtitles.
- Verify that "on if available" is checked. If this is set to "Off" than the captions will work for the normal in-browser playback in Video On Demand (Safari Montage), but not for full-screen playback.
- When you search for CC content and you select a Learn 360 video you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the CC flash button.
- Once you click the button, a CC will appear in the video player options next to the scroll bar.
- Click on the CC and you will be able to view closed captioning in English or Spanish. Please note not all videos will have Spanish closed captioning.
Additional QuestionsCan I download all of the content I view?
- Due to licensing, not all content is downloadable.
- You can search for all downloadable content through the search in the Safari Montage search area and click on the download box and all dowloadable content, which at this time is mostly images, will appear.
- In Learn 360, there is a way to embed content. The url to embed is located at the lower right hand side of the Learn 360 interface.
- Please remember that downloadable content has copyright guidelines, please be sure to follow the guidelines.
How to I view a video in full screen?
- Below each video window is a small button that looks like a screen, click this and the video will be full screen
- Or double click the video and it will appear in full screen.
What is Creation Station?
- Creation Station allows for educators to upload video, documents (excel, doc, docx, pdf, ppt), interactive white board lessons, audio, and images to be searched and viewed in the Safari Montage Player.
- Educators can align standards, chapter, add attachments, create quizzes, and/or align subjects to any Creation Station content.
- There are KEY educators in each district who can upload the content to Safari Montage.
Don't see your question here? Email your question to Mark D'Annunzio.