Digital Media

  • Soundzabound Royalty Free Music for Schools


    Monroe One BOCES is pleased to offer Soundzabound™ to component districts

    Soundzabound is the ONLY royalty free music library which meets all the licensing and technology requirements needed for education!

    Soundzabound Music Library

    This offers a wide variety of music, audio themes and sound effects for grades K -12 and universities that ensures your copyright safety. Perfect for podcasts, PowerPoint™, videos, news shows, video yearbooks, digital storytelling, presentations, TV broadcasts, web design and more!

    No password needed within districts.
    For home access information, contact Katie Bertrand.

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  • OverDrive


    Open SORA - The Student Overdrive Reading App

    SORA is the preferred method for educators and students to access our regional ebook & audiobook collection.

    Select your district, then simply use your school username and password!

    You can use OverDrive Classic to access our collection of .pdf ebooks:

    OverDrive Digital Library

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  • Instructional Videos and Feature Films on DVD for Loan

    The Multimedia department holds nearly 150 DVDs available for loan to Monroe One region educators.

    View List of DVD Titles here

    To borrow a DVD, please fill out this form.

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