Pupil Personnel & Teaching

  • This office is currently only evaluating Teacher Professional Certificate Progression applications.

    Please select the New York State Office of Teaching for all other types of evaluations.

  • Progression from Initial to Professional Certification:

    • Initial Certification is valid for five years. Check your TEACH account for the exact expiration date of your initial certification.

    • Within the five years, you must complete certain requirements. General information is listed on the following chart, but when you are ready to apply, Search the Certification Requirements for Professional Certificate here.
  • Attention! Determine the correct pathway to apply for your Professional Certification in TEACH.

    Time Extension/Initial Reissuance:

    If you will not have the requirements completed for professional certification by the expiration date of your initial certification, you may need to apply for a time extension or a reissuance. Prior to applying, it is suggested that you read the requirements carefully:

    Time Extension

    Initial Reissuance

    Maintaining Professional Certification

    Once a Professional certification has issued, you must maintain this certification by doing 100 CTLE (Continuing Teacher and Leader Education) hours every 5 years.

    You can find your CTLE cycle dates listed in your TEACH account.

    CTLE must be taken by an approved CTLE sponsor

    Keep track of all activities on this log and keep all certificates of completion. At the end of the 5 year cycle, you will have to login to your TEACH account and attest that you completed these hours and it is possible that you could be audited.

    You can read more about the CTLE guidelines here.


    Additional Areas of Certification

    This office is not yet evaluating Additional Certification applications but will be in the future

    Search Certification Requirements for your specific certificate title.