SLS Council Bylaws

  • Article I. Name

    The name of the organization governed by these by-laws is Monroe #1 School Library System Council (The SLS Council).

    Article II. Purpose

    The purpose of this SLS Council shall be to formulate policy for the School Library System, develop the Plan of Service, monitor the implementation of the Plan of Service and to provide advice to the staff of the Monroe #1 School Library System on matters relating to policy and program.

    Article III. Membership

    Section 1.

    The SLS Council membership shall consist of (at least) nine (9) appointed members. The SLS Director shall serve as ex-officio member of the SLS Council with proviso that in the case of a tie the Director will cast a vote.

    Section 2.

    The members of the SLS Council shall serve a 3 year term, with the terms staggered so that, as nearly as possible, 1/3 of the SLS Council will be appointed each year. Terms will expire on June 30. 

    Section 3.

    The SLS Council shall include the following seats:

    • 3 Library-Media Specialists, one of whom shall be a member of the liaison group. There shall be one librarian from each level, elementary, middle/junior high and senior high.
    • 1 representative of the non-public schools
    • 1 representative of the Rochester Regional Library Council
    • 1 school administrator
    • 1 school library administrator
    • 1 school board or community representative
    • The SLS Director (ex-officio)
    • The other seats may be filled, if desired, from the following: student, teacher, college faculty librarian, school library volunteer, and/or parent.

    Section 4.

    1. A nominating committee shall be appointed annually by the Chair.

    2. Nominations for membership on the SLS Council shall be presented by the nominating committee at the next to last meeting of the year. Interim appointments for any vacancy during the year shall be made by the chair, upon recommendation of the SLS Council.

    Section 5.

    A SLS Council member shall attend regularly scheduled meetings.  A SLS Council member who misses more than 2 consecutive meetings without notifying the Chair or the System Director may be replaced by action of the SLS Council.

    Article IV. Presiding Officers

    Section 1.

    The Officers of the SLS Council shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and a secretary.

    Section 2. 

    The Nomination Committee will present a slate of officers for the following year at the last meeting of the school year.  Officers shall serve a 1 year term.

    Section 3.

    Duties of the officers shall be:

    1. Chair
      • Convene the meetings
      • Prepare the agenda with the director
      • Appoint the Nominating Committee and other committees as needed

    2. Vice-Chair
      • Assume the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence

    3. Secretary
      • Record minutes
      • Submit the minutes to the chair and director within two weeks for distribution to the council members and others deemed appropriate before the next meeting.

    Article V. Meeting

    The SLS Council shall meet at least four times during each school year.  One of these meetings shall be joint with the Communications Coordinator Group.  The dates of the SLS Council meetings shall be set by the Director.

    Article VI.  Parliamentary Authority

    The rules contained in the most recent issue of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the SLS Council in all matters not covered by these By-Laws.

    Article VII.  Quorum

    1. Quorum for voting purposes shall consist of a majority of members.

    2. Organizational Chart: see attached #4 BOCES/BIG 5 CITY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART


    Article VII. Description of Member Input on Policies

    A. Briefly describe the role of members in advising the board or council.

    Monroe #1 BOCES School Library System has 2 groups that provide member input on policy and decision making; the SLS Council and Communications Coordinator Group.  The purpose of the SLS Council is to formulate policy for the School Library System, develop the Plan of Service, monitor the implementation of the Plan of Service and to  provide advice to the staff of the Monroe #1 BOCES School Library System on matters relating to policy and program.  For more information on the make-up of the SLS Council, see By-Laws.

    The Communications Coordinator Group has the following responsibilities:

      • Attend regularly scheduled Communications Coordinator Group meetings
      • Keep other School Library Media Specialists and staff of the members informed of School Library System polices, procedures, activities, and services
      • Communicate member district needs to School Library System
      • Implement procedures regarding data collection for union lists
      • Implement Cooperative Collection Development procedures
      • Implement any other procedures to be followed in the district, within the general guidelines and procedures determined by the School Library System
      • Communicate member district needs to SLS Council

    B. Describe the role of member advisory groups, special purpose groups or meetings, such as those for developing federal and state grant proposals, directors’ advisory groups as appropriate to your type of library system or other types of advisory groups required in Educational Law or Regulations of the Commissioner.

      • School Library System Council (see above)
      • School Library System Communications Coordinator Group (see above)
      • Cooperative Collection Development, sub-committee Communications Coordinator Group select CCCD topics to be developed by members and evaluates and recommends changes to the CCCD policy and procedures
      • Celebrities in the School, representative from each member district meets annually to recommend authors to be invited for school appearances
      • Staff Development, sub-committee membership develops needs assessment for future staff development programs and evaluations of current programs
      • ILL, sub-committee membership determines ILL policies and procedures, point-to-point and regional projects

    Section 4. Description of Planning, Evaluation, Revision and Approval Process for all Elements of the Plan of Service.

    A. Plan Development

      • Members Needs Assessment
      • Planning Process: SLS Council and Communications Coordinator Group and membership were involved in the planning process

    B. Evaluation

    What information will be collected to evaluate whether or not the system has achieved the intended results of the plan?  

      • Annual SLS Evaluation
      • Workshop Evaluations
      • Staff Development Needs Assessment
      • Celebrities in the Schools Survey
      • Author Visit Evaluation

    What methods will be used to determine whether the system’s customers were satisfied with the system’s services?

      • Annual SLS Evaluation

    How will the information on customer satisfaction be used to shape the system’s plan in the next year or following cycle?

      • Plan of Service will be amended as needed, (see C. Amendment Process)

    C. Amendment Process

    The Plan of Service will be posted on the SLS web site.  Any changes or amendments to the Plan of Service that are recommended by the SLS Council will be posted to that section of the web site, announced to members and time will be allotted for members feedback prior to any revisions being submitted to SED.

    D. Approval Process

    Plan of service approved by SLS Council and posted on SLS web site in draft form for entire membership prior to being submitted to SED.  Plan of Service will reside on the SLS web site.