SLS Communication Coordinators

  • Communication Coordinators are a separate group from the School Library System Council with different roles and responsibilities.  The main function of the communication coordinators (individually and as a group) is to provide two-way communication between the member libraries and the School Library System.  This can be accomplished through:

    • regular meetings in which the communication coordinators discuss how to implement the policies recommended by the council;

    • sharing information on system programs (e.g., training), procedures (e.g., interlibrary loan), data collection (e.g., database development, statistics on interlibrary loan, etc.);

    • developing committees and/or interest groups (e.g., an elementary school librarians cluster group, automation users group, etc.);

    • bringing the needs of school library system users (students, faculty and administrators) to the attention of the School Library System Council and Director;

    • identifying subject experts from among member librarians and others and recruiting them to participate in SLS projects and committees; and

    • identifying and recruiting potential council members.