Follett Destiny

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  • Questions about Follett Destiny or  interested in some of the new features?

    Contact Sally Bailey, 585-383-6601

What's New?

  • Coming soon: Destiny 19.6!

    See What's New in 19.6

    Follett Destiny® Library Manager updates make reading accessible.

    • Users have easier access and management of MackinVIA ebooks and audiobooks within Destiny.

    Follett Destiny Discover® updates enable customization to meet your needs.

    • Customize Destiny Discover and Collections by Destiny® with new theme options.
    • Use improved configuration options, such as themes and user roles, so students can use Destiny Discover and Collections in a way that makes sense for them.
    • Destiny Discover® Engage users can track usage of print books and digital books from any provider.  
    • To learn more and stay on top of the latest updates, visit the Destiny Discover What’s New page in the Destiny Discover Help Center. 

    Follett Destiny® Resource Manager updates increase value from your resources.

    • The new advanced booking functionality enables you to share central resources with school staff.
    • 1:1 deployments are easier with our Google Workspace and Jamf Pro integration.
    • Users can search for resources at a central location.
    • Teachers can view which days items are available, enabling them to reserve and book items using a resource availability calendar.
    • Staff can access information to identify which curriculum items need to be delivered and when based on reserve requests, print packing lists and shipping labels.