Arts In Education

  • Offered as a regional BOCES service, the Arts-In-Education Service is available to all school districts who subscribe to the Arts in Education and Exploratory Enrichment CoSer.

    Arts in Education Programs provide services for teachers and students in support of the New York State Learning Standards. These services strengthen and support learning in all areas of the curriculum by providing students and teachers with a new lens through which to look at and experience the world. For examples of how "Arts Teach" please visit 10 Lessons the Arts Teach.


    Menu of Services:

    • Individual artists, performances, workshops and residencies in the following disciplines: dance, visual arts, literature/writing, theatre/performing arts, music, and media arts.

    • Visiting authors/illustrators/storytellers

    • Theatre and film admissions

    • Museum admission (must include an arts related component)

    • Other academically aligned field trips

    • Staff development that involves integrating the arts into the classrooms or improving arts instruction


AIE Brochure