Paycheck Explanation

  • If you are a salaried employee, your salary is calculated based on the days worked in a year plus Holidays. (Ten and 11-month employees do not receive pay for the school break weeks that they do not work, only for any Holidays that may be included in those breaks.) The total salary is then divided over the number of payrolls in a year. 

    • 10-month employee salaries are divided by 20 pays. 
      Example: $13,188 salary / 20 pays = $659.40 per pay.

    • 11-month employee salaries are divided by 20 pays full checks and 4–½ checks paid during the months of July and August.

    • 12-month employee salaries are divided equally over 24 pays. 

    When employees are paid on salary, they are pretty much paid to date, meaning that they do not have a delay in their pay. 

    Each pay check is the same, which allows employees to budget their pay. This also means that you cannot divide your paycheck by hours or days in a pay period in order to determine your hourly or daily rate. If you have questions about your hourly or daily rate, please contact Human Resources.

    If an employee leaves, then the Payroll Department is required to figure the exact amount of time the employee worked and subtract that from the amount of salary paid. The difference is paid in the employee’s last check. This may be a smaller amount then the employee’s regular salary amount.