- Monroe One
- Attendance
- Leaves of Absence and Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Employee Handbook
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- Table of Contents
- What is Monroe One BOCES?
- Policies and Procedures
- Payroll/Personnel
Employee Benefits
- Dental Insurance
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Flex Spending 125/HRA 105/HSA
- Longevity Payments
- Medical/Health Insurance
- Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance (BOCES-Paid)
- Optional Insurance Products
- NYS 529 College Savings Program
- NYS Retirement Systems (ERS and TRS)
- Tax Sheltered Annuities
- Tuition Reimbursement
- Attendance
Employee and Employer Responsibility for Safety
- General Safety and Security Reminders
- Emergency Planning
- Health & Safety: Written Plans and Information (Opens in New Window)
- Pesticide Notice and Form
- Radon Testing of School Buildings
- Water Quality Testing Results (Opens in New Window)
- Emergency Closing Information
- Fire Drills and Inspections
- Annual Right to Know Trainings and GCN Website
- Campus Technology
- Additional Information
Leaves of Absence
Paid and unpaid leaves of absence should be arranged through the Human Resource Office, in cooperation with your immediate Supervisor.
Sick Days
- 10 month employees—Receive 15 Cumulative sick days
- 11 month employees—Receive 16 Cumulative sick days
- 12 month employees—Receive 17 Cumulative sick days
All current year sick days can be used as Family Sick as needed.
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
To be eligible for FMLA, you must have worked for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 months immediately before the date FMLA leave begins.
Use of Sick Days
- If you are eligible for FMLA, you may use sick days that you have accumulated for your own medical leave, which would allow for payment while out on leave.
- The days or weeks which are paid coincide with the 12 weeks of the FMLA leave and are not added to the 12 weeks once sick days are extinguished.
- Current sick days only may be used for any paid family member leave, if available.
Medical/Dental Insurance
If eligible for FMLA, your health benefits will be maintained by Monroe One at the same cost as if you were working for the 12 weeks. After 12 weeks, the employee will be billed at the full cost of the health benefits. (Your leave may be longer than 12 weeks, with medical documentation).
Returning to Work
Before returning from a leave of absence, employees are required to submit the return to work form (found on our website under Leaves of Absence) completed by their doctor stating when they are able to return. If reasonable accommodations are needed, the employee needs to contact the Human Resources Office.
HR will send you a HR Info Sheet summarizing your leave, benefits, available days and any additional important reminders. Unpaid leaves are sent to the Board of Education and may receive a Board letter to sign and return to HR.
Keep in mind that leaves are like a snowflake and no situation is alike. There are many varying factors for employees. HR will work with you directly to explain your personal situation and any steps you need to take.
Absences/Leaves FAQ
1. How Do I Request a Leave?
Contact HR or complete the Request for Leave Form—All Leaves (Form 1) in Frontline Central. Additional instructions will be provided depending on if you qualify for FMLA or not.
Always keep your department informed of your request and potential length of absence.
2. What is FMLA?
The Family Medical Leave Act is a law which allows eligible employees to be on unpaid leave for up to 12 weeks in a 12-month period. It also protects their benefits cost and allows employees to be restored to the same job or one nearly identical for same pay and benefits.
3. Who qualifies for FMLA?
Employees must have worked for Monroe One for the previous 12 months AND have at least 1250 actual work hours in those 12 months (excludes Sick, Personal, Vacation, Holidays, etc).
Human Resources will determine if you are eligible.
4. Do we participate in New York State Paid Family Leave?
No, this law is not mandatory for public employers, so we do not participate.
5. What if my doctor says I qualify for NYS disability?
Monroe One is exempt from NYS disability. Once your Sick days are exhausted, any additional time may be unpaid.
6. I was out 6 or more days for illness such as flu so do I need to apply for FMLA?
You are not required to apply for FMLA, although it does protect employee absence. Typically, Human Resources (HR) will request a copy of a doctor’s note for your file. Please contact HR to go over your options.
7. When does HR require a medical note?
Any time an illness or injury impacts an employee's ability to return at 100% of their job responsibilities or upon HR's review and request for medical clearance. Medical notes are generally required to return from a medical leave of absence or if you’re out sick for 6 or more days. Please contact HR to review your specific circumstances.
8. Do I need to keep my department informed of my leave?
Yes. Although HIPPA allows you to not disclose to your department the medical reason you are out, we ask that you keep both the department and HR informed of any dates you will be out and possible return date. This allows them to make accommodations during your absence.
9. What do I need to do to extend my existing leave?
Please complete the Return to Work or Leave Extension Form in Frontline Central with supporting medical documents from your doctor with your new return date or next appointment date. A date is required—we cannot accept “until further notice”.
10. I had intermittent leave on file last school year. Can it continue?
FMLA requires that you re-qualify/re-apply each new school year. This includes completing a new Request for Leave and a new Certification Form from your doctor.
Intermittent leaves are typically for chronic conditions or to assist family members intermittently after surgery, for the care of elderly parents, or for intermittent care of a child with a chronic medical condition.
11. Am I eligible for FMLA leave if I need to take a leave for myself or family member?
To be eligible for a Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave, you must have worked for at least 12 months and 1250 hours before going out on a leave.
If eligible, you must use all of your accumulated Sick days for your own leave and all of your Family Sick days for a family member’s leave.
During your FMLA leave, your cost of benefits will remain the same for up to 12 weeks but depending on how much Sick time you have, your leave could be paid or unpaid. If you are unpaid, you may be billed for the employee contribution portion of your benefits.
12. What days do I use for maternity or for extended sick leave?
BOCES does not have New York State Disability so any paid time for Maternity or sick leave comes from your earned accumulated sick days. If you do not have enough sick days to cover your absence, you will take an unpaid leave of absence.
13. I’m having a baby so will I be paid for 12 weeks?
Please contact HR to discuss your specific circumstances.
14. I am ill or need surgery and have exhausted all my sick time. Am I eligible for a leave?
If you are eligible for FMLA, you will still get the same protections but as an unpaid leave.
If you are Not eligible for FMLA, you must submit a written request to the Superintendent care of Human Resources requesting the unpaid leave and along with supporting documentation from your doctor.
15. Can I take a leave for a seriously ill family member?
FMLA is for spouse, child, or parent. For other family members you can potentially use Family Sick days (from your available current year balance and Personal or Vacation days) with a doctor’s note as backup. To request an extended leave of absence that is not FMLA eligible, please contact HR.
16. I want to return from medical leave. When can I return?
Please complete the Return to Work or Leave Extension Form in Frontline Central with supporting medical documents once available. If your medical documentation indicates you have restrictions, HR will coordinate with your department to review the restrictions. Please do not return until you hear from HR.
17. Can I donate my unused Sick days to another employee?
No, your sick bank is for your use only. Unused Sick days are paid out at retirement. Each amount varies by contract.
18. Can I apply for more than 1 leave a year?
FMLA will protect you for 12 weeks over the course of a 12-month period. If you have exhausted FMLA but still have Sick days available, you will be allowed to take further paid leave time. Please contact HR to go over your personal details.
19. Do I have to take a full or half day for a doctor’s appointment?
Sick and Family Sick time can be taken in 2-hour increments, but a form must be completed ahead of time. Check with your department for additional requirements.
20. What is the difference between Sick and Family Sick days?
Family Sick days are days that can be used for a family member’s (as defined in contract) care and only include the new Sick days given to you each fiscal year.
21. What happens if I need to use a Personal day before a holiday for something scheduled out of my control?
Requests for personal time should be submitted through WinCapWeb Leave Requests. An additional form needs to be completed if someone is requesting personal time outside the parameters of collective bargaining units (such as a day before or after a holiday or break or requesting a day without pay due to extenuating circumstances). This request form is called Personal Day Exception Form and can be accessed in Frontline Central.
Supporting documentation explaining the request must be uploaded with the form. HR will review these requests with the District Superintendent.
Approval or denial of requests will be sent via Frontline to the employee and supervisor.
22. What do I need to do if I have to call in sick?
This is one of the first questions you should ask your supervisor when starting your job. Every department has different procedures so make sure you understand what is expected of you. If you’re calling in sick, you must also submit a Leave Request in WinCapWeb.
23. How do I know how many Sick, Personal and Vacations days I have?
Your available balances will be listed on your paycheck or can be checked on WinCapWeb in Employee Self Service under My Attendance Balances on the side menu.
24. Is there an Emergency Sick Bank, and are we required to contribute to this bank?
If you are a member of the BPA, PSP and BUP bargaining units, you have the ability to apply for sick bank days per specific contracts. You cannot be out of work for Workers’ Comp days to apply.
Members of these units contribute one (1) Sick day when hired and another Sick day the following July as their only contributions to the bank. Refer to your contract for more specific information.