• Monroe One Teacher Center

    What We Believe

    We believe that all students can achieve at high levels when instruction is engaging, important and relevant. We know that in order to build the capacity of our educators, we must give them opportunities for leadership. We help develop leadership skills in our educators by providing them with the training and resources they need to lead study groups and workshops that focus on improving student and staff knowledge and skills.

    Who We Are

    We provide professional learning and resources for instructional staff at Monroe One. Our Policy Board is comprised of 17 members and a Director. We receive a grant from the NYS Education Department that we utilize to meet the professional learning needs of our staff. We offer multiple formats for learning, including, study groups (PLCs), workshops, and new this year- microcredentialing. We're proud to support our dedicated teachers, related service providers, associate teachers, paraeducators and administrators.

    Who We Serve

    The Monroe One Teacher Center serves our teachers and all other instructional staff within our internal programs. We also support our 15 Linden service providers who work with our component districts.

    Our Mission

    To foster the professional and intellectual development of Monroe One BOCES teachers, staff, and community in support of New York State and BOCES’ goals and priorities.

    Our Goals

    1. Improve the quality of instruction by providing opportunities for professional growth for all staff members.

      • Study groups, workshops, micro-credentialing
      • Mentor Program
      • New Staff Orientation
      • New Educator PD

    2. Create a collaborative culture by providing opportunities for peer interaction and by developing a collegial environment for all staff.

      • Study groups, workshops, micro-credentialing
      • Mentor Program
      • Outstanding Educator Awards

    3. Address the needs of all staff at different stages of their careers by providing opportunities for reflection and inquiry.

      • Study group, workshop, micro-credentialing data collection and evaluation
      • Mentor program (teacher mentors) self-reflections and logs
      • Mentor Program data analysis
      • New Educator PD assessments
      • Monroe One needs assessments
      • Program evaluations
  • Mentor Program for Teachers and Related Service Providers

    Participating in trainingThe Monroe One (BUP) Mentor Program serves new and transferred teachers and related service providers from all instructional Monroe One programs. Our new educators engage in mentorships for five-ten months to help them become acclimated to Monroe One processes and procedures. Our mentors are trained in adult learning theory, best practices in mentoring and coaching.


    The mission of the Monroe One Mentor Program is to develop and retain highly qualified and highly satisfied educators.


    1. To enhance new educators’ effectiveness in instruction and leadership through consulting, collaborating and coaching.

    2. To retain highly effective new educators through consulting, collaborating and coaching.