• GCN (Global Compliance Network) Training

    There are three mandatory trainings that must be completed by staff prior to or on the deadline given or within 30 days of hire:

    1. Monroe One BOCES Mandatory Annual Training Video
      (includes Computer Use Policies, Student Data Privacy - NY State Ed Law Section 2-d, Dignity for All Students Act/Code of Conduct, Prevention and Emergency Response in K-12 Schools, Sexual Harassment, and Employee Professional Expectations)
    2. Right to Know: Bloodborne Pathogens
    3. Right to Know: Hazard Communications

    If there is a challenge in completing these trainings, please reach out to your supervisor to come up with an alternate plan.

    To Access the GCN Training Instructions, you will need to sign in with your Firstname_Lastname and Active Directory Password.

    GCN has over 125 tutorials available in OSHA, HR and Professional Development topics. The GCN tutorials meet the minimum standards for compliance as mandated by state and federal laws and are continually updated.