- Monroe One
- Attendance
- Attendance Procedures, Sick, Personal and Vacation Days
Employee Handbook
Page Navigation
- Table of Contents
- What is Monroe One BOCES?
- Policies and Procedures
- Payroll/Personnel
Employee Benefits
- Dental Insurance
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Flex Spending 125/HRA 105/HSA
- Longevity Payments
- Medical/Health Insurance
- Mutual of Omaha Life Insurance (BOCES-Paid)
- Optional Insurance Products
- NYS 529 College Savings Program
- NYS Retirement Systems (ERS and TRS)
- Tax Sheltered Annuities
- Tuition Reimbursement
- Attendance
Employee and Employer Responsibility for Safety
- General Safety and Security Reminders
- Emergency Planning
- Health & Safety: Written Plans and Information (Opens in New Window)
- Pesticide Notice and Form
- Radon Testing of School Buildings
- Water Quality Testing Results (Opens in New Window)
- Emergency Closing Information
- Fire Drills and Inspections
- Annual Right to Know Trainings and GCN Website
- Campus Technology
- Additional Information
Attendance Expectations and Procedures
Attendance is taken very seriously for the stability of our students and/or programs. Excessive sick day use may become a personnel issue.
Vacation Days
Twelve-month employees:
- For twelve month employees, Vacation days are based on a schedule in your union contract.
Ten and Eleven-month employees:
- Ten and Eleven-month employees do not receive Vacation days. They follow the BOCES’ School Calendar.
- For employees who work in districts and not in a BOCES’ building, you need to get a calendar from your Supervisor with the days that you are expected to work. This is especially important for District Based employees who will need to follow the schedule for the district they work in.
- For twelve month employees, Vacation days are based on a schedule in your union contract.
Attendance Procedures
- It is the employee’s responsibility to consult their department for the appropriate call-in procedure for Sick days! Find out who to call, when to call, and what phone number to use.
- Sick days that may be planned should be discussed with your supervisor in advance (for example, doctor appointments) so a sub can be arranged if needed in advance.
- The days available to you will be listed on your paycheck stub or can be checked in WinCapWeb’s Employee Self Service "My Attendance Balances" and "My Attendance Activity." Any questions about days available or taken days should first be directed to your department secretary.
- Sick and Personal days are available as soon as the employee begins work.
- 10 month employees may use two Sick days earned in the prior year during the summer program.
- It is the employee’s responsibility to consult their department for the appropriate call-in procedure for Sick days! Find out who to call, when to call, and what phone number to use.
Facts about Sick, Personal, and Vacation Days (12 month employees)
- Part-time employees and those not working a full 10, 11 or 12-month year receive a prorated amount of days.
- All employees in BPA, BUP, and PSP now have access to a community Sick Leave Bank in the case of a long term illness. To fill this bank, all new employees in those units donate one sick day to the bank their first year and one sick day their second year. Please refer to your contract for sick leave bank details. (Not available for BUSS unit members.)
- Monroe One does not have New York State Disability. Therefore, the only time that you will be paid during a maternity or extended sick leave will be from your earned accumulated Sick days. If you don’t have Sick days, you will have to take an unpaid leave of absence.
- Part-time employees and those not working a full 10, 11 or 12-month year receive a prorated amount of days.
Days Without Pay
Employees cannot select days without pay away from work. There are NO days without pay or "vacation" days for ten and eleven month employees. Ten and eleven month employees are expected to follow the school calendar. The only “vacations” are those designated by the school districts. The department CANNOT approve vacation time, with or without pay, when your school is in session.
If you have questions, please contact Dr. Ellen Howe, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources at 585-249-7056.
Sick Days and Two Hour Sick Time
It is important to keep in mind that Monroe One does not have a short term disability plan. To compensate for this, each employee receives an annual allotment of days to be used for sickness. Your contract defines what instances can be classified as sick. These Sick days, if unused, can be rolled over to the next fiscal year which if used judiciously serves as your short term disability plan in the event of an unforeseen health situation that requires the use of more sick time than the annual allotment.
Depending on your position, you are granted a number of Sick days per year for you to use for your own illness or a family member’s illness. If you are sick longer than five consecutive days, it is recommended you contact Human Resources to determine your eligibility for a FMLA leave. Keep in mind that excessive absences will be addressed by your Supervisor and/or Human Resources. Additional information regarding Sick days:
- You may take a whole day, half-day, or 2 Hour Sick leave.
- It is recommended that you schedule medical appointments outside of work time when possible. This provides consistency for our students and operations. If after school appointments are not possible, please make every attempt to schedule the appointment so you only need to miss a portion of the work day.
- Current year Sick days may be used for your illness, an immediate family member’s illness, or doctor appointments. When the time is used for a family member, it is identified as “Family Sick” time. Family Sick days may only be utilized from the current year’s sick day balance.
- You may use accumulated Sick days from previous years only for your own personal illness.
- For 10-month employees, a note from your physician is required for any Sick Day taken the day before or after a school break.
2-Hour Sick
- Collective bargaining agreements provide for employees to request sick leave in 2-hour increments to be used for doctor, dentist, or therapy appointments for themselves or family members. Requests must be submitted ahead of time, via WinCapWeb, in accordance with the timelines specified in the appropriate collective bargaining agreement (BPA, BUSS, BUP, or PSP).
- A receipt, verifying the appointment, must be submitted within five school days to Human Resources by emailing: Payroll_department@boces.monroe.edu
- If a receipt is not received within five school days, the absence will be converted to a .5 sick day.
- You may take a whole day, half-day, or 2 Hour Sick leave.
Personal Days
If you have personal business that must be conducted during school hours, a Personal Business Day form must be completed and submitted to your Supervisor, five work days prior. You must also notify your school(s) of your absence. In the event that a Personal Business Day form cannot be completed in advance, you may be granted an emergency Personal Business Day. In this case, the Personal Business Day form must be completed and received by the end of the payroll period or salary for that day may be withheld. A reason should be included for less than five days’ notice.
- Personal Business Days are to be used for situations that can only be resolved during the work day.
- Personal Business Days may not be used for recreational purposes.
- Vacation is not an acceptable reason for the use of Personal Business Days.
- Taking a Personal Business Day the day before or after a holiday, in most cases, is not allowed. If there is a need to request a day before or after a holiday you must address a written request to Dan White, but send it to your Supervisor. You will need to include:
- documentation of the event and
- a signed Personal Business Day request form
A loss of pay for the day will result unless the Superintendent decides differently. This will be noted as a once in a lifetime event.
- documentation of the event and
- If you do not use your two allotted Personal Business Days, they will be converted into your sick bank.
- Current BUP Members may roll over one Personal Day to the next school year.
- Personal Business Days are to be used for situations that can only be resolved during the work day.