Performance Appraisals

  • As a Monroe One employee, you will be receiving an annual performance evaluation.  Please consult your contract for specifics concerning these evaluations.

Professional Evaluation/APPR 

  • What is it?

    APPR (Annual Professional Performance Review) is a process observations and evaluation of performance for staff. There are standards that will guide professional practice. The purpose of this evaluation is to promote student learning and improved professional practice.

    What is the difference between a Teacher of Record and a Non-Teacher of Record? 

    This is based on Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) for teachers in New York State​. Most classroom teachers are Teachers of Record and follow the APPR process. 

    What about education staff members who are not teachers?  

    Each position/role has their own evaluation rubric (links below). Although everyone has an evaluation, some may follow similar or different processes, which may include observations or projects. 

    Our Rubrics (at under Staff Zone)